Our website hosting services come back with a 30 day money-back guarantee.
Every linux hosting package comes with a control panel so you can take control of your web site space and email 24 hours a day.
Data is backed up daily and weekly with a 7-day retention period.
Each package comes with loads of tools to maintain your site plus we have a substantial list of additional features and services available.
- Robust anti-spam and anti-virus measures
- Advanced HTTP intrusion safeguards
- Regular CXS scans
- Real-time threat protection
- Multi-layered protection against malware, viruses, DDoS attacks, and other malicious activities
- Malware remediation services
- Monthly external vulnerability scans
Add the security of HTTPS to your site so your visitors know you value their trust and Google doesn't penalize you.
Website maintenance can be performed on an as-needed hourly basis, or if you have a lot of updates to make to your site.