Hosting CT Offers Free WebinarsApr12009

Hosting CT Offers Free Webinars

On April 20, 2009, Hosting Connecticut LLC will offer the first in a series of free webinars (online seminars) to help clients and prospects make better use of their website hosting tools.

The webinars are easy to join. Use the sign up form and you'll receive instructions on how to join the webinar using your computer. You can either use your computer's microphone and speakers or call in (toll call charges may apply)

During the webinars, information will be presented on the monitor by Paula M. Pierce. You'll be able to listen and watch as Paula moves her mouse to different tools, showing you how to best use them. Ask questions and get answers to those nagging questions you may have had for years and never asked!

Future topics may include Mail Manager, Webmail, Subdomains, SiteXpress, Mx Logic, Invisible Gold, and more.


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