Shad Derby FaceliftJan12011

The annual Windsor Shad Derby festival website is getting a facelift. After many years with a stagnant website, Paula Pierce, of Hosting Connecticut, offered to donate services to redesign the website and make it more energetic to illustrate the changes the Shad Derby committee is making to the whole event. The new website launched in mid-January and allows members of the committee to update the content easily without fear of disturbing the rest of the site's elements.

"It's a great way to keep a website up-to-date on even a daily basis if necessary," says Paula Pierce, owner of Hosting Connecticut, LLC. "We used Invisible Gold software which makes it easy for the Shad Derby committee to edit the website and keep the public aware of new events. One such event is the new Hooker Brewery fundraiser taking place on Friday, February 11th. Managers of the site can easily add the event, upload a photo, and add contact details just by logging into the site from any web browser."

"We have been getting very positive feedback," said Deanna Stechshulte, co-chair of the Shad Derby committee. The website now has a calendar of events as well as information about the civic groups sponsoring each event from the Shad Derby Gala to the Fishing Tournament to the Road Race to the Festival and Parade on Shad Derby Day. The public is invited to send in their own Shad Derby photos to make the site even more complete.

Hosting Connecticut has been working with the Shad Derby committee for several months to determine what changes would best suit the new, improved Shad Derby.To see the new website and learn more about the Shad Derby, go to Hosting Connecticut can be found online


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