7 Tips for Business WebpagesApr82019

A website is your primary business marketing tool, yet some people don't develop their site to it's fullest potential - and then wonder why their bounce rate is so high, why they aren't making sales, etc, etc.
Often times, business website owners spend their time focusing on areas that ultimately won't pay off if their website is lacking. Social Media, Instagram, YouTube and other platforms can drive visitors to your site, but once people get there, if they feel let down - they won't explore the site long enough to make a purchase.
While there are the rudimentary webpages and elements all sites should have such as good navigation, quality content, great photos, purposeful logo and tagline, etc, - there are ways to enhance basic pages so the website performs better overall.
Review our suggestions below and tweak your website if needed:
1. Home Page
Enhance your main page so people know:
- Who You Are
- What You Sell
- How You'll Solve Their Problem
2. About Page
- Company Summary including History Of
- How You Differ from Others selling the Same Product / Service
- Introduce Your Staff and include Bios and Photos
- If you're a one-person company, include info about how you started the business, your goals, and why your product/service is better than others on the market.
3. Reviews Page
In addition to sprinkling Testimonials on product pages, a dedicated Review page is a quick read for those interested in learning what others think about your product/service.
Whenever possible, include a photo with each Review. Photos and links (website, social media page, etc) to the review writer lend credibility. If a link isn't available, then at minimum indicate City and State.
4. Contact Page
So many times we see websites where the only method offered for Contact is a web form. Some sites don't have an address, city, state, phone number, etc. This is a red flag.
A Contact Page should include:
- Phone Number
- Mailing Address
If you’re a home business, use a PO Box or rented box with a Suite number and list that as your address.
- Physical Address
If you receive customers at your location, include the address as well as a location Map with Directions.
- Email Address (coded appropriately to prevent spam)
- Social Media Accounts with Links
5. Terms of Service Page
The Terms of Service webpage lays out guidelines visitors must abide by while using your site.
Should include:
- How your website Functions.
- Which country's laws Govern the agreement.
- Copyright and Intellectual property disclosure.
- Non Responsibility to other websites clause
Helpful TOS (terms of service) information:
6. Call to Action (CTA) on each Page
A Call to Action can be arranged in a variety of formats. Well placed CTAs on each page in different configurations prompts site visitors to follow a path you've established on the website.
Call to Actions might include:
- Get a Free Sample
- Download a Checklist (or ebook or report, etc)
- Get a Quote
- Get a Free Trial
- Buy Now
- Signup for Newsletter (or class or webinar, etc)
- Read More
- Share on Social Media
7. Contact Info on Every Page
If your business depends on customers contacting you by phone, visibly place the phone number on each and every webpage.
If your business depends on customers coming by your physical location, visibly place the physical address and directions on each page.
If people are out & about, and need your product/service like Right Now! – by making the phone and address prominent makes it fast and easy for them to call you with a quick question, or easily find your exact location
Remember: Attention to Detail is Everything
Making your business website the best it can be will translate trust to new and existing customers, improve overall user experience when navigating your site, plus give you a competitive edge over like-companies selling similar products and/or services.
How Does Your Site Stack Up?
If you know your website could use a few adjustments, but you're unsure of where to start or which areas to change, contact us for suggestions at https://hostingct.com/#Contact-Us.