Categories: Email Marketing
Email Marketing Best Practices: To Avoid Spam Traps and Keeping Your List Healthy

Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audience, promote products or services, and drive conversions. However, to ensure the success of your email campaigns, it's crucial to follow email marketing best practices, especially when it comes to avoiding spam traps and maintaining a healthy email list. In this comprehensive guide, we'll discuss the essential best practices for email marketing, focusing on Constant Contact users who want to steer clear of spam traps and keep their email lists in top shape.

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Categories: Email Marketing
10 Strategies to Optimize Your Email Content for Better Search Engine Rankings

Did you know that your email marketing efforts can significantly impact your search engine rankings? By optimizing your email content for SEO, you can drive more organic traffic to your website and improve your overall online visibility.

Our latest blog post, "10 Strategies to Optimize Your Email Content for Better Search Engine Rankings," reveals actionable tips and best practices to help you create email content that resonates with both your subscribers and search engines. From crafting keyword-rich subject lines to ensuring mobile-friendliness, we cover everything you need to know to boost your email marketing ROI.

Read the full post and discover how you can unlock the SEO power of your email marketing campaigns.

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Categories: Email Marketing
Bulk Emailing & Email Authentication: A Yellow Brick Road of Lingo!

We understand that the recent changes in email authentication protocols from major providers like Google and Yahoo may have raised concerns about your email deliverability and spam protection. Fear not; we're here to guide you through the intricate world of DMARC, DKIM, and SPF to ensure your emails reach their intended destinations. Not only that, but if you’re confused by all the jargon, keep reading to the end of this article to give yourself the clarity you’re seeking.


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Categories: Email Marketing
How to See What Email Links Drive Search Traffic in Google Search Console

Adding links from your email newsletters and campaigns back to your website is a great way to drive visitors. But how can you see which of those links are actually getting clicked and bringing people to your site? This is where Google Search Console comes in handy.

Search Console provides aggregate click data for links within your emails, allowing you to see which are driving the most search traffic. Here's how to view and analyze this useful email link performance data.

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Categories: Email Marketing
Email Marketing: A Powerful Tool for Non-Profit Impact

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing involves sending targeted messages to a group of people via email. For non-profits, it’s a means to communicate their mission, engage with supporters, and foster relationships.

Importance for Non-Profits

Non-profits can leverage email marketing to raise awareness, garner support, and keep their audience informed about ongoing initiatives. Email enables non-profits to cost-effectively reach and build relationships with donors and volunteers. With email, non-profits can provide updates, share stories, accept donations, recruit volunteers, promote events, and more.

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Categories: Email Marketing
How to Leverage the Power of Email Marketing for Local Business

In the digital age, when marketing strategies are constantly evolving, email marketing remains a steadfast tool that local businesses can use to drive growth, engagement, and customer retention.

This cost-effective and versatile approach enables businesses to connect with their target audience on a personal level, fostering a sense of loyalty and community.

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Categories: Email Marketing,Digital Marketing
How to Unlock the Power of Local Citations: FAQs for Small Businesses

Welcome to the final installment in our three-part series on local citations. In this article, you can review the top Frequently Asked Questions about local citations. Our local citation FAQ is designed to help small business owners like you understand local citations and turn them into real business value fast.

“What are local citations?”

Local citations are online references to your company’s name, address, and phone number on other websites, especially websites that are regularly used and trusted by people in your community. You might see this info referred to as “(NAP)” (Name, Address, Phone) for short.

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Categories: Email Marketing
10 Effective Email Marketing Strategies to Boost Open Rates

When starting a small business, getting your name out there is crucial for success. While physical mail and flyers can still be effective, the digital world we live in offers a powerful tool: a mass email marketing campaign. By reaching thousands of people with a single click, you can significantly expand your brand's reach. To ensure the highest open rates and engagement, we've compiled ten proven email marketing strategies to craft effective emails that captivate your audience.

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Categories: Email Marketing
5 Fresh Ideas for Your Email Marketing Campaign

When you invest time, effort, and money into email marketing, you want it to pay off reasonably fast. Email still remains among the most powerful players in the realm of digital marketing, after all. To that end, there is nothing more disappointing than lackluster results despite your best efforts.

If you're experiencing a dip in your email marketing ROI, it's time to consider freshening up your campaign. A stale email marketing campaign can cost you new and possibly old subscribers.

Read on for some ideas to refresh your marketing and bring your email open rate closer to the current average of 16 percent.

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