Getting More Email Newsletter SignupsFeb12017

Categories: Email Marketing,Marketing

Getting More Email Newsletter Signups

While the number of subscribers you have signed up for your newsletter can directly translate into more earnings for you, the harsh reality is that your subscriber list works best with quality subscribers rather than a huge quantity of unqualified subscribers. A few hundred good quality subscribers are worth infinitely more than even a thousand people who signed up for your newsletter just for the free stuff you have to offer.

So how do you get those quality subscribers? That’s exactly what we are here to help you with. Read on to see which of our ideas you can use to increase your newsletter subscriber list with some quality subs.

Make Entering an E-mail a Breeze

This is by far one of the most important aspect of a subscriber form whenever anyone visits your website. If you have quality content and someone is interested in getting more informed about it, the last thing they want to do is spend too much time looking for the subscribe button and filling out a convoluted form. Get rid of all that extra stuff and make a simple form with just an e-mail requirement (possibly a name) and that’s it. You don’t need anything else.

Make the Subscribe Button More Effective

Humans are wired for certain actions. We can apply this methodology in the design of our subscribe buttons. It turns out if we make our subscribe button interactive whenever we mouse over it, there might be some positive effects that we can reap from doing so. Make the initial color of the button red, and when you mouse over it have it change to green. Doing this creates a Stop-and-Go subconscious reaction and often can result in up to 40% more users clicking the button.

Encourage Your Subs to Spread the Word

You can easily set up a “forward this e-mail to a friend or family” form or button. This is far better than simply sharing content on your website, on social media, or even setting up a tell-a-friend button on your website. Giving users an option to forward an e-mail gives your readers the opportunity to share specific content, which they are more likely to do than sharing the whole website. You can track who is sharing the content with their friends and family, and even possibly offer some sort of rewards or benefits for their loyalty. The possibilities are endless.

Use a QR Code Somewhere

Seriously, we live in a mobile world. The number of mobile users surpassed desktop users at some point back in 2014. Back then, not everyone even had a smartphone, and by now we are pretty positive that the mobile market is bigger than ever. You would be missing out if you didn’t add a QR code with a link to a quick subscription form. The best part is that you can literally put these anywhere. Our personal suggestion is to add one to your business card or a local store ad! People spend more and more time on their phones daily, so utilize this to your advantage.

Remember that your subscribers are your bread and butter. Engage with your subs, make them want to continue reading your newsletters, and encourage them to share them with their friends and family. Create content that people find interesting. This is the best way to gain new audience members. There are a few small things you can do to make it easier and more alluring for people to click that subscribe button, but in the end its your content that will play the biggest retention role. Know your audience!


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