How Search Pulses Can Generate Business SalesApr132020

Depending on resources and budget, many businesses don’t commit to systematic market research to determine what current and potential customers need, want, and are actually buying.
A good portion of business owners operate on a “if I like it, everyone will buy it” mentality - and that’s just not how to turn profits or grow a business.
Smart business owners will stay on top of what people are looking for, then diversify to meet current demand.
What About You?
Do you conduct regular monitoring of what’s trending in relation to what your Business sells?
Do you offer your products/services based on market trends, or do you just hope people will buy?
Do you plan for seasonal sales and inventory 3-6 months in advance?
Do you know what might sell best from your product line during the next few months?
Do you ever diversify your product line based on current and/or historic online searches?
Can’t answer these questions?
Then you may want to consider utilizing Google Trends.
What is Google Trends?
Google Trends is a free online tool that gives you access to Actual Search Results across Google Search, YouTube, Shopping, and Images.
Google Trends allows you to instantly learn what people are searching for and interested in at any given time, and within any region. You can see when the products and services you offer are trending and where they’re the most popular.
Real Search Requests in Real Time
To Start, go to this link:
The Google Trends homepage displays recent trending search phrases.
Enter search terms you’d like to see results for:
Refine Search by:
- Location
- Timeframe
- Category
- Search Type.
Drill down further by:
- Sub-Region
- Related Topics
- Related Queries
Tips for Using Google Trends
Compare your Search Terms and topics across time periods, locations and languages.
Explore by Category to find the search result version you’re looking for. Words can often have multiple meanings.
Find Related Searches. When you search for a term in Trends, you can also explore the top searches, rising searches, and searches related to your term.
Use Punctuation to refine trends, group search terms, and filter your results.
Understand Results Data, how trends data is pulled, and how it should be interpreted
Subscribe to a Google Trends Alert to get email updates on topics and searches in your region
Year-round market research can be tedious and time consuming, and many businesses don’t have knowledgeable staff available to perform this task. Discuss with your web specialist best options for conducting market research for your business. They can also perform a monthly trending analysis for your products and/or services.
More to Explore:
How to Interpret the Data Results