How SSL Affects Your Web PresenceJun282021

Categories: Design,Marketing
How SSL Affects Your Web Presence

An SSL certificate can make a huge difference in your marketing efforts 

Whether your website is: 

  • A Blog
  • Educational or Informational
  • A Non-Profit
  • A Local Business Selling Services
  • Making Ecommerce Sales

Google is suppressing sites in search results without SSL status.

 A website is your primary asset when it comes to marketing your business – so all the time and money you invest into it could be a waste of time if it’s buried in the search results. 

Did You Know?

Google has always wanted all sites secure. Way back in August of 2014, Google announced they'd be giving a ranking boost to SSL secured websites, and SSL certificates would become a definite ranking factor in their search algorithm.

Traditionally, websites accepting payments online have absolutely needed SSL - but now more than ever - all sites should have it. It’s becoming more and more apparent that well-ranked websites are faltering in search results due to lack of SSL. 

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are fundamental to internet security and allow for the following:

  • Establishes a secure connection between a browser and a server.
  • Encrypts communication to protect sensitive information your customers provide to you.
  • Activates HTTPS and the lock icon.
  • Authenticates an organization's identity.
  • Proves legitimacy.
  • Protects user privacy.
  • Increases SEO rank. 

How to Know if a Site Has a Valid SSL Certificate

  • When you visit a website, the URL is displayed in the address bar of your browser.
  • If the URL begins with HTTP:// then the site is not secure and does not have SSL.
  • If the URL begins with HTTPS:// then the site is secure and does have an SSL certificate.
  • Most browsers display a symbol or lock to indicate SSL presence. 

Browser example of a secure URL with SSL:

- note the locked symbol and the URL begins with https://

Browser example of a secure URL with SSL

Browser example of a non-secure URL without SSL:

- note the red line through the lock symbol and the URL begins with http://

Browser example of a non-secure URL without SSL:

SSL Level Options

There are three levels of SSL certificates:

  • Domain Validation, known as DV.
  • Organization Validation, known as OV.
  • Extended Validation, known as EV.

The SSL level needed depends on the type of website you have.

How to Get SSL Now

  • This is the fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website.
  • You can upgrade at any time to higher SSL levels of Organization Validation (OV) or Extended Validation (EV).

Still Not Sure?  Have Questions?

Contact Hosting Connecticut and we’ll help you decide which SSL certificate level is best for you.



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