4 Facebook Tips for Business Sites Using WordPressMar72022

Did You Know?
Facebook (aka meta) boasts 2.91 billion monthly active users.
Resource: OmniCore Agency
With Facebook being one of the most used social media sites (on a global level), businesses need to recognize the potential Facebook can play into moving success levels forward.
Here, we'll touch on a few Facebook tips that WordPress site owners can use to grow their followers, increase website visits, easily track activity statistics, and more.
TIP #1 WordPress Site Custom Facebook Feed
Creating a custom Facebook feed on your WordPress website allows you to imbed and display posts from your Facebook page and/or Facebook groups right into your site.
Displaying Facebook page updates on your site with a custom feed helps to:
- Improves engagement.
- Acts as a form of social proof.
- Increases visitor count and visitor time spent on your website.
- Automatically refreshes content on your site directly from Facebook.
- Exposes your site to more people out of your target niche that may become future customers.
The most popular way to add a custom Facebook Feed to a WordPress site, is by using the Smash Balloon plugin – currently installed by over 1.6 million professional WordPress sites.
Free plugin version:
Imbed and display links and text from Facebook posts.
Download the free version of the Smash Balloon Social Photo Feed plugin.
Pro version:
Imbed and display links and text from Facebook posts, as well as photos, videos, comments, and more.
Learn more about and download the Pro version of the Smash Balloon Facebook Feed.
Smash Balloon offers a great Beginner's guide for how to put a Facebook Feed on a WordPress site.
TIP #2 Add Facebook Social Sharing Buttons to WordPress
Expand your Brand reach, visitor count, and engagement by placing Sharing buttons on your WordPress site. Even if your business isn’t heavy into social media, share buttons are a great way for your website visitors to share your website content, with the potential of creating a never-ending loop of refer-backs to your site.
Share buttons on a website have become a standard people are used to using, and they look for them. If your site doesn’t have any – visitors may think your site is outdated, and your business isn’t progressive.
There are literally hundreds of social sharing plugins to choose from. As with all plugins, you want to use one that doesn’t impact your website speed or performance, and one that won’t conflict with other plugins you may already have installed.
Several free options:
Social Media Share Buttons
AddToAny Share Buttons
Sassy Social Share
Several paid options:
Monarch from Elegant Themes
If you’re unsure which one to use - contact us at HostingCT.com and we’ll help you choose the best social share plugin for your WordPress site.
TIP #3 Connect an Online Shop to Facebook Business Page
- Sell where people are shopping.
- Let people discover your online store through Facebook without any additional promotion.
- Use powerful selling and marketing tools to scale your business across Facebook.
How you connect your online shop to Facebook depends on which platform is powering your online shop.
Connect an existing shop to your Facebook business page:
Facebook for WooCommerce
Need Help?
Let us know, and we’ll connect your online store to Facebook.
TIP #4 Add the Facebook Pixel to Your WordPress Site
What the Pixel Is
The Facebook Pixel is a snippet of analytical code that’s installed on your website. When people visit your site, they perform certain actions such as purchases, page views, conversions, and button clicks. The Facebook Pixel offers you a method to analyze all visitor actions and provides data so you can measure, optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns. Only Facebook business accounts have access to the Pixel install code.
How the Pixel Works
When a person visits your website and takes an action (makes a purchase, etc), the Facebook Pixel is triggered and reports the action. You’ll know when a customer took an action after seeing your Facebook ad. You'll also be able to reach this customer again by using a custom audience.
When more and more conversions happen on your website, Facebook becomes better at delivering your ads to people who are more likely to take certain actions. This is called conversion optimization.
The Facebook Pixel helps you to:
- Learn about your site traffic and gain insights about how people use your website from your Facebook Pixel dashboard.
- Create custom audiences from website visitor actions to gain an uplift in sales.
- Optimize delivery to ensure your ads are shown to the people most likely to take action.
Install and set up the Pixel yourself – or let us do it for you.
More to Explore:
Website Optimization Brings In New Customers
6 Facebook Post Ideas for Business Pages
Easy Steps for Creating Pro Quality Facebook & Instagram Ads