4 Overlooked Ways Businesses Gain Quality Instagram FollowersJun142021

As with any social platform, the more followers you have, the easier it is to get more followers.
People want to experience what others are drawn to.
Just because you might have 100,000 followers - it doesn't mean they're going to be targeted followers your business wants ... the majority may be ‘watchers’ and will never convert to buyers.
Your goal is to cultivate followers who will become customers and loyal advocates of your Brand.
4 Helpful Tips:
1) Begin a Targeted Journey
Define who your ideal followers are. They might include:
- Those who have a need you’re able to fill.
- Those you can uplift and enrich their lives.
- Those who are excited to buy what you’re offering and support your efforts.
2) Questions to Ask Yourself
Who are your Social competitors?
- Who is following them?
- Why are they following your competitor and not you?
- How can you connect with the same type of follower group?
- What can you do differently to reach those followers your competitors have been unable to connect with?
3) Verify Your Business Account
Brands should apply for a ‘verified badge’ through Instagram.
Apply for Instagram verification when your Brand is in the news and getting media attention:
- During a time when you've sent out press releases.
- Your Brand/name has been in a major publication or promotion.
Instagram performs its own research about your company, so when your name is media visible - that's the time to apply.
How to Apply for a Verified Instagram Badge:
- Go to your profile and tap ‘Menu’ in the upper right corner.
- Tap ‘Settings’.
- Tap ‘Account’, then tap ‘Request Verification’.
- After you've filled out the form, tap 'Send'.
- Your request will be reviewed.
- You’ll receive a response in your ‘notifications’ tab, not via Email.
Submitting a request doesn’t guarantee verification. While Instagram says right now - only some public figures, celebrities and Brands have verified badges, they will approve for those accounts with a likelihood of being impersonated. If you’re turned down the first time, you can re-apply after 30 days has elapsed.
Instagram verification details.
4) Define and Plan Posted Content
Use four categories when planning content:
- Evergreen content.
Timeless content that will be useful year after year. - Beneficial content.
Educational, teaching, learning info that includes helpful tips, how-to advice, etc. - Exclusive content.
Specific and relevant to your Brand, company, products and services. - Campaign content.
Promote Brand awareness, cultivate community bonding, motivate engagement and buyer action.
Research #hashtags and keywords and use the ones your targeted audience is regularly searching for and engaging with.
Don’t forget to review Competitor accounts and their posts. Check their likes, shares, and comment engagement for each post. How does your content compare to theirs?
More to Explore:
How to Find and use Branded #Hashtags on Instagram
Learn About the Social Media Helping Hand