Cheatsheet - Social Media Video SpecsJan222018

Most marketers find it's a never ending challenge to keep their brand relevant while capturing the attention of their audience. With Video more prevalent now in social media than ever before - it's extremely important to use the correct social media video specifications and advertising video sizes. To avoid technical difficulties, and promote a positive user experience – note that each platform has it’s own set of video criteria.
Instagram Video Specs
In 2013 Instagram launched video capabilities began accepting advertising on the platform in 2015. Studies show 70% of businesses now use Instagram to reach their core audiences. Brand created video was viewed on Instagram by more than 5 million people the first three months of 2017 alone.
In Feed Video (Vertical, Square and Landscape)
Video Guidelines
Vertical video minimum resolution is 600x750.
Vertical aspect ratio is 4:5.
Square video minimum resolution is 600x600.
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Landscape video minimum resolution is 600x315.
Landscape aspect ratio is 1:91:1.
Max file size for all formats is 4GB.
Video length max is 60 seconds.
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum caption: 2,200 characters.
Caption recommendation: 125 characters.
Instagram Video Ad Specs:
In Feed Video Ad (Vertical, Square and Landscape)
Video Guidelines, Same as In Feed Video.
Video Character Guidelines (Mobile), Same as In Feed Video.
Carousel Video Ad
Carousel ads lets the audience see more of a product or feature than a single image or video. Instagram carousel video ads can have 2 to10 cards with a full width call to action below the ad.
Video Guidelines
600x600 minimum resolution.
1080x1080 max resolution.
Aspect ratio is 1:1.
Max file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 60 seconds.
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum caption: 2,200 characters.
Caption recommendation: 125 characters.
Instagram Stories Video Ad
Video Guidelines
1080x1920 recommended resolution.
600x1067 minimum resolution.
Aspect ratio is 9:16.
Max file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 15 seconds.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Facebook Help Center for Instagram,
Facebook Video Specs
Allowing a variety of video types, each Facebook video format has a different set of dimensions and specification criteria.
Shared Post Video (Portrait and Landscape)
Shared posts are the most common type of video on Facebook, and resides in your Facebook Feed and can be shared by friends and Brands.
Video Guidelines
Portrait and Landscape recommended video dimension is 1280x720.
Portrait and Landscape minimum width is 600 pixels (length depends on aspect ratio).
Portrait aspect ratio is 9:16 (if video includes link, aspect ratio is 16:9).
Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9.
Mobile renders both video types to aspect ratio 2:3.
Max file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 120 minutes.
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 2,200 characters.
Recommended: 90 characters (if link is used).
Headline max: 25 characters.
Link description max: 30 characters.
360 Video
Often receiving priority from Facebook in their Feeds, this format allows the audience to see a complete 360 view by scrolling either by touch or turning a mobile device, or by cursor on other viewing platforms.
Video Guidelines
4096x2048 maximum dimensions.
Minimum width is 600 pixels (length depends on aspect ratio).
360 aspect ratio is 2:1.
Max file size is 1.75GB.
Video length must be less than 40 minutes.
Video max frames 60fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 2,200 characters.
Recommended: 90 characters (if link is used).
Headline max: 25 characters.
Link description max: 30 characters.
Facebook Video Ad Specs
Desktop News Feed Link Video (Right Column, Square and Landscape)
Video Guidelines
Landscape and Square recommended video dimensions is 1280x720.
Minimum dimensions 600x315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600x 00 (square).
Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9.
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Max video file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 120 minutes.
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 2,200 characters.
Recommended: 90 characters.
Headline max: 25 characters.
Link description max: 30 characters.
Carousel Video Ads
Carousel Video ads showcase multiple videos, or images, and a link within a users Facebook Feed. Carousel Ads tend to be more effective than standard social media ads.
Video Guidelines
Landscape and Square recommended video dimensions is 1080x1080.
Minimum dimensions 600x315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600x600 (square).
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Max video file size is 2.3GB.
Video length max is 30 seconds or less (continuous looping is up to 90 seconds)
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 2,200 characters.
Recommended: 90 characters.
Headline max: 40 characters.
Link description max: 20 characters.
Collection Video Ads (Mobile)
Collection ads showcase multiple images with a main video above it.
Video Guidelines
Square and Landscape recommended video dimensions is 1200x628.
Minimum dimensions 600x315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600x600 (square).
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9.
Max video file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 120 minutes.
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 2,200 characters.
Recommended: 90 characters.
Headline max: 25 characters.
Link description max: 30 characters.
Canvas Video Ads Within News Feed (Mobile)
Canvas ads allow users to swipe to the sides and downward for more content.
Video Guidelines
Square and Landscape recommended video dimensions is 1200x628.
Minimum dimensions 600x315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600x600 (square).
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9.
Max video file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 120 minutes (recommended length is less than 2 minutes).
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Autoplay Video Within Canvas Ad (Mobile)
After watching a Canvas ad, an auto-play video will start as users scroll through the content, a specific in-ad video will auto-play, and has almost identical specs.
Video Guidelines
Recommended video resolution is 720p.
Minimum dimensions 600x315 (1.9:1 landscape) or 600x600 (square).
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9.
Max video file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 120 minutes (recommended length is less than 2 minutes).
Video max frames 30fps.
Recommended video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Slideshow Video Ad
Slideshow videos reach audiences with slower internet connections. Choose from 3 to10 photos or use a video to transform it into a photo slideshow.
Video Guidelines
Portrait and Landscape recommended video dimensions is 1200x720.
Portrait aspect ratio is 9:16 (if video includes link, aspect ratio is 16:9).
Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9
Max video file size is 4GB.
Video length max is 120 minutes (recommended length is less than 2 minutes).
Video max frames 30fps.
Accepted video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Music can be uploaded in the following formats: .WAV, .MP3, .M4A, .FLAC or OGG.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 2,200 characters.
Recommended: 90 characters.
Headline max: 25 characters.
Link description max: 30 characters.
Facebook Help Center,
Twitter Video Specs
Twitter Portrait and Landscape Videos
Video Guidelines
Portrait recommended dimensions: 240x240 (256K bitrate), 480x480 (768K bitrate) and 640x640 (1024K bitrate).
Landscape recommended dimensions: 320x180 (256K bitrate), 640x360 (768K bitrate) and 1280x720 (2048K bitrate).
Minimum dimensions for both is 32x32.
Maximum dimensions for both is 1280x1024.
Aspect ratios are between 1:2:39 to 2:39:1.
Max file size is 512MB.
Video length max is 140 seconds.
Video max frames 40fps.
Accepted video formats are .MP4 for web and .MOV for mobile.
Character Limits
Maximum count: 140 characters.
Twitter Videos Ad Specs
Both organic and paid video share the same criteria.
Twitter Help Center,
Snapchat Video Specs
Snapchat boasts over 170 million daily active users, so it’s a platform worth sharing video on if your Brand caters to a younger target group.
10-Second Video
Video Guidelines
Recommended dimension is 1080x1920.
Aspect ratio is 9:16.
Max file size is 32MB.
Video length is between 3 and 10 seconds.
Accepted video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Long-Form Video Ad
This is the main video format for ads and is seen in-between viewing Stories.
Video Guidelines
Recommended dimension is 1080x1920.
Aspect ratio is 9:16 or 16:9.
Max file size is 1GB.
Video length is a minimum 15 seconds (no max).
Accepted video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Snapchat Ads Help Center,
YouTube Video Specs
YouTube is the second largest search engine, with Google taking the lead. Touted as being a marketing dream platform for promoting, educating and sharing Branded video content.
Video Player (Standard YouTube Video)
A variety of upload types and formats can be uploaded, but there’s only one true format for the video player and should follow a 16:9 ratio.
Video Guidelines
Recommended dimensions:
426x240 (240p)
640x360 (360p)
854x480 (480p)
1280x720 (720p)
1920x1080 (1080p)
2560x1440 (1440p)
3840x2160 (2160p)
Minimum dimension is 426 x 240.
Max dimension is 3840 x 2160.
Aspect ratio is 16:9.
Max file size is 128GB or 12 hours, whichever is less.
Video length max is 12 hours.
Accepted video formats include: .MOV, .MPEG4, MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, and WebM.
YouTube Video Ad Specs
According to Google data, businesses advertising on YouTube receive on average a 20% increase in views for Bumber, Mid-roll, Skippable, and Non-Skippable Video Ads.
Mid-roll Video Ad
Played mid-view, similar to television commercials, and only available for content longer than 10 minutes. Mid-roll ads can be skippable, but users must watch 30 seconds or entire ad (whichever is shorter).
Bumper Video Ad
Played before the content, and is a six second video ad that can’t be skipped, and is normally optimized for mobile views.
Skippable Video Ad
Played before, during or after content and is skippable after 5 seconds. This is the only ad format that allows advertisers to monetize views from any viewing device.
Non-Skippable Video Ad
Played before content, users must watch a full 15 seconds. Views from TVs or game consoles are not calculated toward a monetizable view.
Video Guidelines
Recommended dimensions:
426x240 (240p)
640x360 (360p)
854x480 (480p)
1280x720 (720p)
1920x1080 (1080p)
2560x1440 (1440p)
3840x2160 (2160p).
Minimum dimension is 426x240.
Max dimension is 3840x 160.
Aspect ratio is 16:9.
Max file size is 128GB or 12 hours, whichever is less.
Bumper video length max is 6 seconds.
Mid-roll video length minimum is 30 seconds.
Skippable video length max is 12 hours (skippable after 5 seconds).
Non-skippable video length max is 15 or 20 seconds (30 seconds in some regions).
Accepted video formats include: .MOV, .MPEG4, MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, and WebM..
Display Ad
These static ads are displayed in user search queries and may appear in the right video column when watching a video.
Video Guidelines
Smaller side view recommended dimensions for the static image is 300x60.
Larger side view recommended dimensions is 300x 250.
Actual recommended video dimensions are:
426x240 (240p)
640x360 (360p)
854x480 (480p)
1280x720 (720p)
1920x1080 (1080p)
2560x1440 (1440p)
3840x2160 (2160p)
Aspect ratio is 16:9.
Max file size is 128GB or 12 hours, whichever is less.
Accepted video formats include: .MOV, .MPEG4, MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP, and WebM.
Google Help Center for YouTube,
LinkedIn Video Specs
Over 72% of business professional say they watch online videos every week on LinedIn.
Shared Video
Currently, the only video format that can be uploaded to LinkedIn is via a shared video. Other options include sharing YouTube in shared posts.
The only video format you can upload is through a shared video. While there are options to share YouTube links in shared posts and within LinkedIn Pulse articles, there is only one method in which to upload your own video.
Video Guidelines
Resolution range: 256x144 to 4096x2304.
Aspect ratio is 1:2:4 to 2:4:1.
Max file size is 5GB.
Video length max is 10 minutes.
Video max frames 60fps.
Bit rates: 192 kbps - 30 Mbps.
Accepted video formats are .ASF, .AVI, .FLV, .MOV, .MPEG-1, .MPEG-4, .MKV, and .WebM.
LinkedIn Help Center,
Pinterest Promoted Video Specs
While Pinterest currently doesn’t allow users to upload their own video, they can share Vimeo and YouTube links.
Businesses wanting to submit video ads for display within Pinterest can choose between two formats for a single ad type.
Promoted Video (Vertical and Square)
Video Guidelines
Vertical recommended dimensions is 600x900.
Square recommended dimensions is 600x600.
Minimum video resolution is 240ppi.
Square aspect ratio is 1:1.
Max file size is 2GB.
Video length max is 30 minutes.
Video max frames 25fps.
Accepted video formats are .MP4 and .MOV.
Character Limits
Maximum video ad caption max for both formats: 400 characters.
Pinterest Help Center,