Is Clubhouse in Your Business Future?Mar292021

Categories: Marketing,Social Media
Is Clubhouse in Your Business Future?

Clubhouse is the new kid on the block – as far as social platforms go.

Are You:

  • Not sure if you should create a Clubhouse marketing strategy?
  • Not sure if your business wants to be involved with Clubhouse? 
  • Not sure whether to even download the Clubhouse app?

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is a social platform where registered users may enter into different virtual rooms to participate or listen in on a conversation or discussion panel. The room host has authority over who is allowed speaking privileges along with who gets the boot for misbehavior.

With over 10 million global downloads, this social platform launched early 2020, and has ramped up significantly since early 2021.

Clubhouse is:

  • Invitation only.
  • Still in beta testing mode.
  • Audio-based.
  • Live-podcast environment.
  • Social media iOS app.

Registered users can attend virtual chat-rooms and listen to:

  • Panel discussions.
  • Conference calls.
  • Presentations.
  • Live conversations.
  • Interviews.
  • etc, etc, etc.

How Do I Get a Clubhouse Invite?

Currently, Clubhouse is an exclusive, invite-only club.

  • In order to join, an existing Clubhouse member/user must send an invitation from their app, which gives the invitee access to set up an account. If you’re invited, you’ll see a link texted to your phone number, pointing you to a sign-up page in the app.
  • Right now, Clubhouse members/users currently only have two invitations available to send.
  • The Clubhouse app creators have stated their goal is once the 2021 beta-phase of this app is completed, they’ll be able to eventually open Clubhouse to everyone.
  • iPhone users can download Clubhouse and reserve a username, but can’t access any virtual rooms until a unique invitation link is received.

How Can Small and Local Businesses Make Use of Clubhouse?

Clubhouse touts a variety of ways it can be used, with business owner benefits that include:

  • Interaction with people you’d normally never come into contact with, such as influencers, industry leaders, and celebrities.
  • More exposure equals influence growth. Devote time as a speaker and establish expertise in a specific niche. Businesses can demonstrate their value while increasing Brand reach to a new audience.
  • Ability to discuss current local events, bring attention to a local cause or event, share information and industry changes, exchange resources, and expand networking efforts.
  • Crosslink to other social media accounts and grow overall follower base.
  • Add Clubhouse to your business marketing strategy to boost leads, sales, and contacts. 

Basic Clubhouse Facts

  • Currently in beta-test mode.
  • Currently available only for iOS. Android is in the works.
  • iPhone users can download the Clubhouse app and reserve a username.
  • No access to virtual rooms until a unique invitation link is received.
  • Per the Clubhouse site, you can signup to see if you have any friends on clubhouse that can give you access:

 Is Clubhouse in Your Business Future?

  • Clubhouse is audio-only. Is described as an interactive podcast environment. No photos allowed except in your profile, unable to share pictures or videos.
  • When the app is opened, you’re given a choice of different rooms to enter. When a room is joined, live audio is connected automatically. Each room boasts a host/co-hosts leading the discussion/conversation. Those who want to join the conversation “raise their virtual hands”. Rooms can be entered and exited at will.
  • Discussions/conversations on Clubhouse are bringing value to all industries, and a variety of topics.
  • Other social media channels are seeing the value in the Clubhouse audio-only popularity, and have moved forward with their own versions:

    Twitter recently shared they’ll be rolling out ‘Spaces’ soon.
    Facebook shared they’re working on an audio-chat product to compete with Clubhouse. 

Should Business Owners Join Clubhouse Now?

Reasons why you may want to pursue getting an invitation to join now:

  • Join now in the beginning stage and get a feel for the app.
  • Great opportunity to see if Clubhouse is a fit for your business.
  • Join rooms, establish yourself and participate.
  • Consider hosting your own room, get involved, and network.

Clubhouse Blog
They’ll share news here about the app and when it’s available for Android.


Explore More Clubhouse Info According to:

How To Use Clubhouse For Business Growth

US Chamber of Commerce
How to Use Clubhouse for Business

Washington Post
Clubhouse 101


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