Is Your Business Missing Out on Social Media?Jan182021

Categories: Marketing,Social Media
Is Your Business Missing Out on Social Media?

Your business might:

  • Offer the perfect product or the perfect service.
  • Provide great value to customers.
  • Extend perfect customer service.
  • Always ship out orders on time.

But … does it seem your businesses just can’t seem to grow a following on Social Media?

Any idea as to why that might be?

The reality is - no matter how engaging your content, products or services are, they won’t resonate if you’re not reaching the appropriate social media audience.

What Businesses Can Do to Reach Their Target Audience

In order to grow a social media following that converts to buying customers, here are a few tips:

  • Develop a strategy for locating and attracting your perfect social media audience.
  • Define who your ideal customer is.
  • Determine gender, age group, location, interests, education, income level, traits, personal values, etc.
  • Identify which social media channel your ideal customer is active on, on a regular basis.
  • Learn more about browsing audiences by posting questions, polls, surveys, etc.
  • Know your audience size.

Once you have a clear understanding of who your customer is in relation to your product/service, you can narrow your audience and then define clear niches for social media marketing content.

Research Your Audience


Facebook Demographics

Facebook Insights


Business accounts can use Instagram Insights to review follower demographics.

Access Insights from your account Menu (top-right corner of Profile). Follower data resides under the 'Audience' tab.
More from Instagram.


  • Login to your YouTube account.
  • Click the profile icon, located upper Right corner.
  • Then select YouTube Studio.
  • From the Channel Dashboard, select Analytics from the left-hand menu.
  • Select Advanced Mode, located upper Right corner for a more detailed breakdown of channel and video analytics.

More from YouTube.


  • Log into your account to view Conversion Insights.
  • Click on the Insights button within the top navigation bar.

More from Twitter.


More to Explore:

Social Media User Data, Pew Research

Social Media Demographics, Sprout Social


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