Lead Magnet Tips for Smart MarketersAug122019

Categories: Marketing
Lead Magnet Tips for Smart Marketers

Lead Magnets can be used on Social Media and on a website.

How creative are you in using Lead Magnets?

What are Lead Magnets?

A lead magnet is a marketing term for a free item or service that is given away for the purpose of gathering contact details. Marketers use lead magnets to create sales leads.
Source:  https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lead-magnet.asp

Who Uses Lead Magnets?

Marketers use Lead Magnets in a variety of forms to generate traffic, increase followers, add to their Email list, obtain new leads, new sales and customers.

What are Lead Magnet Goals?

  • Your goal is to turn a Visitor into a Lead
  • Segment those Leads from Interested Prospects
  • Turn Interested Prospects into Customers

Before You Use a Lead Magnet Answer these Questions

  • Does it Give Your Audience Something They May Need?
  • Does it Solve a Problem?
  • Do Your Readers Care About it?
  • Does it Offer Value to Your Audience?

How to Use Lead Magnets?

Lead Magnet format usage is based on what you want to accomplish.

Lead Magnet Types for Social Media and Websites include:

Gift Card

Free Trial

Free Planner


Early Bird Savings

Free Shipping

Free Consultation

Free Inspection

Loyalty Program

Gated ContentDownloads:

  • Cheatsheet
  • Lists
  • Guide
  • Hack
  • Easier Way to Do Something
  • eBook
  • Tutorial
  • Poster

Get creative when developing and putting Lead Magnets into action.

One example:

Collaborate with non-competitive businesses by swapping promos. Approach local companies, online sites and social media accounts and offer a mention in return for a free promo from that company.

You write about or mention a company, explain their service or product, how it helped you – how you use it, etc and include a link to the other company with a Discount code or a free ‘whatever’. (This works well on social media)

That company reciprocates and does the same for you.

By working with non-competing businesses, you both benefit from acquiring Brand awareness and new customers/clients with very little effort.

Research local businesses and online social media accounts to see which ones would be a good fit. Run reciprocal campaigns during alternate months of the year.

Create Lead Magnets for your audience.

Track which ones deliver the best results.

Tweak and Repeat.


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