How to Find and Use Branded Hashtags on InstagramApr122021

Are #Hashtags a quick afterthought when you post to social media?
Do you use strategic or haphazard #Hashtags?
Did You Know?
Using #Hashtags on Instagram remains an effective element to bring attention and engagement to your posts, and plays a strategic part in growing your Brand.
Including targeted and relevant #Hashtags on stories and posts lets your business become discoverable by new audience segments which translate to:
- More followers.
- More engagement.
- More customers.
What’s the Function of Instagram #Hashtags?
#Hashtags categorize and organize videos and photos.
When a #Hashtag is added to a public post - that post is visible on the corresponding #Hashtag page. Each #Hashtag becomes a directory of all videos and photos tagged with that specific #Hashtag.
Different #Hashtags for Different Audiences
Branded #Hashtags
- Are unique to your company.
- Denotes Brand identity.
- Can be your business name, tagline or name of a product or ad campaign.
- Are strategic to connect themes, content, products, services, campaigns.
Community #Hashtags
Connects people with similar interests to interact with a specific subject.
- Improves post searchability.
- Increases followers.
- Helps with community growth.
Business community #Hashtags can be for:
- Products/services.
- Special events.
- Holidays and seasonal.
- Industry related.
- Geo location.
- Daily/weekly events, motivators, tips, etc.
Campaign #Hashtags
Are normally used short-term to gather attention, create engagement and drive traffic for specific products or topics.
Used for:
- Partnerships.
- Special events.
- Product launches.
How to Optimize Your Best #Hashtags
- Use unique tags for your niche.
- Determine which #Hashtags your competitors, industry leaders, and audience are using.
- Check past #Hashtag performance in your Instagram analytics.
- Aim for Instagram top #Hashtag posts position, which is determined by engagement volume, and how rapidly that engagement rolls in.
- Add #Hashtags to your Instagram stories.
- Include your Branded #Hashtag in your Instagram profile.
- Post #Hashtags as a first comment.
- Invite people to follow your branded #Hashtag, as well as your profile.
How to Find the Best #Hashtags for Your Business
One option is to use an online #Hashtag generator. These generators can give you related #Hashtags, performance, and popularity information. Here are a few to start with.
A bit of guidance on this very informative #Hashtag tool . . .
This is how the screen appears when you arrive at the site:
Enter a #hashtag into the black search bar.
Once entered, the data auto-populates. For this example, I entered the tag; #windsorct
Notice, to the Right, you have option to select either ‘Auto’ or ‘Manual’.
Auto automatically populates the results with #Hashtags selected by the generator.
Manual lets you choose checkboxes alongside each tag you want to use.
Results for #windsorct:
Scroll below the results and Click ‘See stats’:
The amount of information this tool serves up on each #Hashtag is extensive, and includes:
Number of posts using the #Hashtag.
Top cities and countries where the #Hashtag is used most.
Top 10 related #Hashtags
Age demographic for the #Hashtag.
Actual top posts that used this #Hashtag.
Link to view actual photos and videos with this #Hashtag.
Food for Thought
Here’s an example of another #Hashtag search for
#windsorcoffee #windsorplumbing #windsorevent
Note there were no results:
Your business may want to experiment using local #Hashtags with few or no results. If someone is looking for coffee, plumbers or events in Windsor – and you’re using that #Hashtag in your post - they can quite easily connect with your business.
This is just an example, and can be applied to any business, product, profession, or service.
More #Hashtag tools include:
#HashMe (iOS app)
Ingramer (Android and iOS app)
You may want to explore refining your business #Hashtags to extend your Brand reach. The right #Hashtags can put your business in front of your target audience, even if they’ve never connected with you before on Instagram.
See our social media marketing packages.
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