Tips and Tools List for Great Blog PostsAug222017

Categories: Marketing,Wordpress
Tips and Tools List for Great Blog Posts

If you have trouble putting all your thoughts into words for your Blog or website posts, here are a few tidbits to remember each time you sit down to write. Tips of what you should include, what to leave out, and how to optimize posts to perform in search engines. Tools to generate topic ideas. 

First off, always make a Plan, then choose a Topic and create an Outline. Research and check facts if applicable to your topic.

  1.  Always make a Plan of your Blog post by first choosing a topic, and creating an outline. Do research and fact checking prior to beginning any actual “writing”.
  1.  While there are millions of Bloggers online, always make each of your posts the best they can be – unique with a sprinkling of your personality and perspective throughout each.
  1.  Create a Headline that will capture attention.
  1.  Be sure your intro is short and makes people want to read more.
  1.  Paragraphs should be no more than three sentences – they’re easier to read, especially on mobile devices.
  1.  Use no more than three images throughout your post. Take your own photos whenever possible.
  1.   If you quote statistics backed by data, link to your source.
  1.   Build your post around your topic's specific keywords.
  1.  Link each post to other relevant pages on your site.
  1. Share a link to another Blog offering relevant resources you don't.
  1. Insert a call to action at the end of your post content - might be a question to encourage reader comments, or a nudge for readers to click to a page on your website.
  1. Proof read your finished post and fix typos, formatting, grammar, etc.
  1. Include Social Share links so it's easy and fast for readers to share your posts.
  1. Offer a free download relevant to your post to encourage new member signup and/or Email subscribers.
  1. Get in the habit of promoting each new post to your Social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.), as well as your Email subscriber list.

Topic Inspirations 

  • Create a How-To post
  • Make an Announcement
  • Share Your Experience with a Product
  • Compile Information Lists
  • Share a Recent Travel Experience
  • Post about Personal Life Lessons you've experienced
  • Write about How You Started on the Internet
  • Share Recipes of your Favorite Meals
  • Share Photos and Write About Your Pets
  • Choose one area of Your Life, and dedicate one category on your Blog to just this life area. Post a Weekly or Monthly story with a photo, so it’s a continuing saga type of thing. Viewers/Subscribers will look forward to reading.

Topic Generators

Some people get the dreaded “Topic Block” - here are a few online “Blog topic generators” that may prove helpful in jumpstarting your thought process:

Hubspot Blog Topic Generator

Enter up to three nouns into the search fields, then click the "Give Me Blog Topics" button. Receive five relevant Blog post titles instantly. Register for Free for a year's worth of ideas. Simple, helpful tool.


Not a true Blog Title generator, this tool analyzes what content performs best for any topic. Results show existing articles and what type of topics and title structures are currently the most popular online.

  • Check out a competitor's post or article topics by entering their URL.
  • Search by topic or site URL.
  • Option to configure filters and search parameters.
  • Filter by Date, last 24 hours, past week, past month, etc.
  • View Social Share volume by site, topic titles, and articles.

Blog Title Idea Generator

Very basic. Click on the blue bar that says "Click to Generate Another Title Idea". Keep clicking to reveal more ideas. Below the blue button is an option for "More Blog Post Title inspiration" - Enter your keyword (long-tail is best) and search. Results will be from Google, and you can review what topic titles others have used, relevant to your searched keyword.

Link Bait Generator

Type in your keyword, then click "Get Linkbait". Dozens of suggestions will be displayed containing your keyword. Keep clicking to generate more suggestions for the same keyword - or enter a new keyword or keyword phrase.

The Blog Post Ideas Generator

Just click the "generate Blog Post Idea" button and suggestions will be visible. Keep clicking for more. Adapt the suggestions to your topic.


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