Using QR Codes In Your Business: Best Practices And PitfallsMar212022

QR Codes
Quick Response Codes are what their name suggests. Just a simple scan and you get access to the intended information fast and in a secure way. They store lots of data, secured in a complex barcode, which digital devices can read and interpret. QR codes have been around since 1994, have successfully been utilized in multiple production stages in huge corporations, and their uptake and prevalence has ever been on the rise.
Almost all your potential customers have a smartphone equipped with a QR scanner, and they may have used the scanner for;
- Access to a secured Wi-Fi.
- Authenticate login credentials.
- Make payments.
- Mobile application downloads.
See? You are not stepping into untested waters. As a matter of fact, your client base will incorporate QR codes more convenient secure and improve their experience doing business with you.
Application in your business
As hinted above, your business would benefit significantly from the adoption of QR codes. They have improved ease of business in rather complicated set-ups, like Toyota production and other complex production assemblies. Clients love a cocktail of convenience, speed, and ease of self-service, all of which are encompassed in the QR code tech. Here are some areas where QR codes could streamline operations in your business.
Business App
You know the importance of having a dedicated mobile application for your business. It helps clients navigate through the products, shopping, checkout, and delivery. Sometimes, you may prefer to dish out the application to the customers, and the most convenient way is by the inclusion of a QR code at the back of the receipt, through which they can scan, get redirected to the play store, and download from the store’s app.
The QR code can be printed on a sheet of paper and pinned on the door on the way out or in the parking lot. This way, clients can easily download the app, sign up, and shop online. One of the most significant benefits you are going to reap from this is your online presence, return clients, and shipping/delivery revenue.
Yes, there are payment methods that allow a transaction to be initiated by scanning the QR code. You can integrate this into your business’s payment methods, whereby your clients just scan a code, and the payment is made.
This can be very convenient for folks who do not fancy carrying cash around or those who get fidgety when swiping their credit cards. Customers can prefer your store to others due to ease of payment and financial security matters. Other clients prefer a payment method that is confident that their data will be safe and feel that they control their funds.
Best practices
Here are some of the Best Practices when implementing the use of QR codes in your business;
- It should be the right size – The QR code has to be the right size, considering that It will be scanned using a mobile phone’s camera. The Ideal size for a QR code is 1 by 1 inches, and large QR codes may be difficult to fit into the phone’s scanner.
- Good background – A plain background is best for your QR code. Avoid perforated or stained backgrounds, torn backgrounds, and any background with contrasting colors.
- A description/purpose – You have to give everyone intending to scan the code a cue and a description of where the Quick Response redirects them.
- Dynamic QR codes are better and safer – Yes, you may have to think about dynamic QR codes, and they are secure, and static QR codes are just too predictable. It will not cost you much to pin a new QR code daily or initiate a dynamic one on your website.
- Test it First – You have to ensure that the QR code performs the intended purpose. You do not want the wrath of disappointed customers at the checkout or at the cashier. Give your QR code extensive tests, and ensure that it performs the intended purpose after every scan.
The Pitfalls
Just the apparent requirements turn into disadvantages. There is a mandatory need for a smartphone with an installed QR scanner. Unfortunately, there are some people who may not afford a phone or prefer not to have one. This excludes these people from the ability to use QR codes for payments and other purposes.
However, it is clear that QR Codes have few shortcomings, and a vast majority of customers and potential clients have smartphones and can benefit from QR tech.
Parting Shot
Adoption and implementation of QR codes in your business is a sure way of future-proofing your venture. Your clients will appreciate the new-found convenience and will certainly be enjoying shopping at your store. This will be a great strategic decision for your business. Go for it!
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