Wordpress Tips

Categories: Plugins
WordPress Plugin:  Survey/Feedback Form for Your Site

Would you like to add a Survey or Feedback form to your site? Check out the Contact Forms, Surveys & Quiz Forms Plugin by Formidable Forms Builder for WordPress. 

Features include:

  • Build Registration forms, Calculators, Surveys, Contact forms and more.
  • Comes with built-in reporting and data display.
  • Create totally custom forms from scratch with an easy-to-use drag & drop form builder interface.
  • View all contact form and survey entries from the WordPress Dashboard.
  • Export Email data to other services such as Constant Contact, Mail Chimp, GetResponse, etc.
  • Customize the submitted success message or redirect user to another page for more advanced form needs.
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Categories: Plugins
WordPress Plugin: Stop Referrer Spam

Referrer Spam bots hit your website every day … and you’re not even aware of it.

Learn what Referrer Spam is, and how you can Block it . . .

What is Referrer Spam?

Referral Spam is when a spammer bot sends multiple and ongoing bogus hits to your site that show up in Analytic reports. Ghost Referral Spam occurs when the spammer bot bypasses your website and hits the Analytics server directly.

When your Analytic reports contain Referrer Spam, you won’t ever get an accurate report for your website performance.

When left unattended, these bogus hits skew Analytic statistics and may affect your website ranking in the search engines.

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Categories: Plugins
WP Plugin:  Real-Time Find and Replace

Do you have code or text you want to replace quickly on a website? The Real-Time Find and Replace Plugin is your answer! This Wordpress Plugin dynamically replaces code and text within your website.

Use the Real-Time Find and Replace Plugin in these instances:

You’re working with a WordPress theme and can’t access the copyright or remove preset links.

You want to make changes to the theme page coding without touching the Editor files.

Change / replace text information appearing on multiple webpages in about five minutes, which allows you the opportunity to change individual pages at your leisure.

Tweak text on a product or shopping cart page.

Change last name of an employee that’s just gotten married.

Revise an Event title.

The uses are endless.

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Categories: Plugins
WordPress Plugin: Team Members

Whether you're a service business, a retail location, only sell online, or any type of group or organization - a stylish presentation of “who's who” really helps to connect you and your staff to those visiting your website.

Most often used on dedicated about us, employee, member, or meet our team pages - easily present your business and/or organization in a professional manner on your website using a plugin. Include bios, social media links, and more.

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Categories: Plugins,Marketing
WordPress Plugin:  Creating a Favicon

There are many strategies used to make a website standout, and one of the most undervalued elements is the Favicon.

What is a Favicon?

A Favicon (short for ‘favorite icon’) is a website file that contains one or more icons associated with a specific website or webpage. Browsers providing Favicon support will display the Favicon in the URL address bar, and next to a webpages name in a list of favorites or bookmarks. Some browsers use the assigned Favicon as a desktop icon.

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Categories: Themes
Basic Gutenberg Tutorial

If you have updated your Wordpress site to the new Wordpress 5.0, you will notice that the classic content editor has been replaced with a new editor called Gutenberg. This new block style editor is a little different from the classic content editor and takes just a little getting used to. But once you grasp the hang of it, Gutenberg is easy to use and has some nice features to enhance your website.

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Categories: Plugins
WordPress Plugin:   WP Customer Reviews

With Google Places and Google Local Search crawling the internet for user generated reviews, collecting and displaying customer reviews on your website is an important piece of your overall SEO plan.

An easy way to collect Customer Reviews from your website is to install a Plugin to facilitate the process.

One such Plugin is WP Customer Reviews, which is a lightweight and configurable Plugin that displays reviews in a format that’s search engine friendly. WP Customer Reviews lets you designate a specific webpage to receive testimonials of your business products and/or services. Try it out and see if you like the results this Plugin offers.

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Categories: Plugins
WordPress Plugin: Call Now Button

With more and more people placing orders and doing business on their smartphones, it’s to your benefit to make it easy as possible for customers and/or potential clients to reach out to you directly from your website.

For many of your site visitors, the online Contact form may suffice for general questions, product/service quotes, comments and inquiries but depending on your business niche there are those who may need to speak with you or your staff immediately. This is where a Tap to Call option works wonders.

With over 100,000 active installs, the Call Now Button WordPress Plugin is a solid plugin for creating click-to-call options for display on varied devices.

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Categories: Plugins
Wordpress Plugin: Editorial Calendar

Marketing your business takes so much time and effort … here’s a plugin that may just enhance efficiency and management of your content.

Editorial Calendar, an easy to use plugin is brilliant for keeping your Blog post schedule organized and always accessible. Scan the calendar overview to see what and when you’re publishing next week or months down the road, with options to edit and add - you can even move posts around to different dates.

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Categories: Plugins
WordPress Plugin: Website Translation

If you have a website that may appeal to a non-English speaking audience, you may want to consider using a WordPress Translation plugin on your site to reach those viewers.

The most widely used plugin for website translation is Polylang.

Polylang is a free WordPress translation plugin that allows for multilingual content creation.

Polylang allows users to select their preferred language from their profiles, and it automatically downloads the respective WordPress language packs. Polylang fully supports RTL languages and works with most WordPress themes.

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