Tips & Tricks

Categories: Marketing,Social Media
Fancy New Video Tools from Facebook

Facebook recently announced new receptiveness tools for live streaming, an updated Messenger interface, an updated Download Data Tool and a Quiet Time feature that will enhance both business usage, and enrich the overall experience for regular users.

For those who rely on screen readers due to hearing challenges, an “audio only” live mode will be also become available for automatic captions.

To help strengthen their Brand, businesses will want to leverage these new tools and test them out to reach more viewers.

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Categories: Email Marketing
How-To Email Segmentation Ideas

Did you know Email Segmentation helps to:

  • surge open rates
  • boost click rates
  • shrink unsubscribe rates

How Do You Partition Your Email Subscriber List?

Sending the same content to everyone on your List is like walking in the dark and never really connecting with anything solid.

Your buyers and clients are diverse and won’t all respond to the same thing in the same manner. You need to dig deeper to determine what Your List wants and needs. Reshaping and customizing your communications to appeal to your contrasting subscriber lists will produce better results.

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Categories: Email Marketing
Open Sesame - Re-Engagement Email Strategy

Are your Emails not being opened?

Due to the sheer volume of emails people receive on a daily basis, it’s reasonable to assume not even half of them are opened, much less read.

It’s normal for a percentage of Email Subscribers on your lists to lose interest and stop opening Email from your Business – but if months go by with zero engagement click-throughs, then that becomes an issue on several levels.

An accepted non-engagement Email strategy is to send out a dedicated message to those dormant Subscribers who’ve not engaged with your Email for a pre-determined time period (3-months, 6-months, etc). Your message goal is to re-engage these Subscribers as active customers/clients.


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Categories: Social Media
Tips for Getting Started on Instagram

Have you been hesitant to use Instagram for Business marketing?

It’s not difficult or involved to set up a professional profile. You also have the option of converting an existing account into a Business account.

With just a few taps on a mobile screen you can take and share photos with your audience, use editing tools and filters to enhance image quality, tag users or locations, add a quick caption, and share across various Social networks.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
How Search Pulses Can Generate Business Sales

Depending on resources and budget, many businesses don’t commit to systematic market research to determine what current and potential customers need, want, and are actually buying.

A good portion of business owners operate on a “if I like it, everyone will buy it” mentality - and that’s just not how to turn profits or grow a business.

Smart business owners will stay on top of what people are looking for, then diversify to meet current demand.

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Categories: Email Marketing
Email Marketing - Get Local

Regardless of your business niche, Local Email Marketing benefits small businesses in multiple ways including your ability to strengthen customer relationships and build Brand loyalty  - both help your business continue growing.

Bonding with customers and creating an open line of communication via Email Marketing allows community consumers to communicate their needs and wants, something that's difficult to accomplish with other marketing efforts.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Tips to Increase Your Online Sales

We’ve got a few proven tips that help to increase website sales.

Let’s see how many you already use!

TIP: Display Trust Icons on the Checkout Webpage

With so many questionable vendors online, it’s more important than ever to build trust with potential buyers with their first visit to your website. On your checkout page, briefly describe your site’s security measures. Include a link to the full Security disclosure.

Display a Certified Trust badge (sometimes referred to as a Seal). Trust badges most often indicate security features are in place to keep credit card information and personal information safe.  When you’ve shopped online you’ve seen icons for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which indicates encryption of certain information sent over the web.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Is Your Website Optimized for Voice Search?

More and more people are making use of mobile personal assistants (voice technology) such as Bixby, Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.

Voice Search is becoming more prevalent because a voice query is much faster than typing words, and the results are returned rapidly.

Businesses need to focus on Voice Search to make sure they’re not left out of search results.

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Categories: Marketing
Scare Your Competition by Using These Local Marketing Strategies

If you do business on a local level - Local Marketing can become a top sales generating tool for you.

Smart Local Marketing can:

  • Increase in-store customers with long-term loyalty.
  • Boost visitors to your website.
  • Heighten awareness of your Brand.
  • Improve SEO efforts resulting in higher search engine rankings.
  • Deepen community connections.
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