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Categories: Marketing
4 Steps To A High Converting Website (Step 3)

So far in this series, we have discussed how to build a website visitors will want to stay on and how to drive those visitors to your CTAs. But how do you get people to visit your website in the first place?

In step 3 of this 4 part series, we will go over how you can drive more visitors to your website using Search Engine Optimization.

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Categories: Marketing

Regardless of whether your company is an online business or a brick & mortar local shop, having a website that converts is a key piece of your successful business plan.

In step 1 of this 4 part series, we discussed how to build out a website users would actually enjoy visiting. In step 2, let’s discuss how to put that website to work converting visitors into leads and buyers.

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Categories: Marketing
4 Steps To A High Converting Website (Step 1)

A website that converts plays an important role in every savvy business. Your company’s website could be your best source for potential clients. Many consumers will visit a company’s website before deciding whether to buy from them, even if the company is a brick and mortar business. For those websites that belong to online businesses, having an attractive website that converts visitors into leads is even more vital.

When visiting a website, consumers are looking for one of a few key things. They want to know more about the company, learn about the products they offer, and check if they are offering any promotions that can only be found on the website.

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Categories: Marketing
Writing And Distributing Press Releases

Some of you might think it’s a thing of the past, but believe us when we say that writing and distributing an alluring press release can do wonders for your business. However, it’s not as easy as one, two, three; you need to put some work into it to make sure that your release is focused and captivating.

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Categories: Social Media

Photos are one of the greatest tools we have at our disposal when making a brand-new website, blogging, and adding new life to a social media page. But many people fail to understand that there are laws and regulations governing how photos can and can’t be used. Typing your desired subject into a Google search and simply copying the images from Google isn’t exactly legal. To be specific, it isn’t legal at all.

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Categories: Marketing

It’s surprising how many brand-new companies that are just starting out on their entrepreneurial venture have so little knowledge of what a marketing plan really is. Dozens of questions seem to surface whenever discussing a marketing plan. What is it? Do you have to make one? What needs to be put in it? Before we can answer the first question, a dozen more will be asked.

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Categories: Email Marketing,Marketing

While the number of subscribers you have signed up for your newsletter can directly translate into more earnings for you, the harsh reality is that your subscriber list works best with quality subscribers rather than a huge quantity of unqualified subscribers. A few hundred good quality subscribers are worth infinitely more than even a thousand people who signed up for your newsletter just for the free stuff you have to offer.

So how do you get those quality subscribers? That’s exactly what we are here to help you with. Read on to see which of our ideas you can use to increase your newsletter subscriber list with some quality subs.

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Categories: Marketing

Communicating and gaining attention can be a bit harder for nonprofit organizations than it is for regular businesses. The reason is pretty simple: money. Generally, the marketing budget for nonprofit organizations is significantly lower than that of higher up brand names and businesses. This presents a conundrum for nonprofits, because in order to generate more attention you need to dedicate a decent amount of your budget, which will in turn increase your budget overall. But how do you do this when your customer base isn’t gaining anything out of giving your organization money?

The first and foremost thing you have to do is create a voice or a tone for your organization. Determine how you will approach your audience and what your key statement is. Depending on the primary focus of your nonprofit, you will determine if your tone needs to be serious and direct or more relaxed and laidback. Each category will generate a different tone, and you need to determine which tone you will use.

Once you have determined your voice, everything in your organization that has anything to do with marketing or communication has to have that specific tone. If it doesn’t, then your organization will seem lackluster and disjointed, which will result in catastrophic failure. Anyone who communicates on behalf of your brand needs to speak with your brand’s voice and message. Here are a few ways you can deliver that message and inspire your donors.

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Categories: Email Marketing
Email Subject Lines That Get Opened

There are millions of emails that never get opened because of their poor subject lines. No matter how important or vital the content of your email is, if it doesn’t have a subject line captivating enough for the average user then your message will fall onto deaf ears.

Most of us are familiar with having dozens or even hundreds of unread emails in our inbox, but only some of them have been opened and checked to see what’s inside. Some of those emails even ended up in our spam folder and yet we still opened them to check out what the fuss is all about.

So why is it that we open some emails while letting others collect digital dust? The answer is very simple: we skim the subject line of that specific email and notice something interesting which causes us to open the email.

But what are these captivating subject lines? Which ones work and which ones don’t? Read on to find out how to increase the chances of your email being opened with these three subject line ideas.

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Categories: Marketing
Understanding Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a fantastic source of information that can help you reach the levels of interaction you desire with your potential customers. However, reading and understanding data can sometimes be a headache, especially when we are talking about a rather complex system. While it can be slightly discouraging learning how to interpret the data which is presented by Google Analytics, we strongly suggest you take a few minutes and learn a bit about how Google Analytics works.

There are four major components when working with Google Analytics: data collection, configuration, processing, and reporting. All of these components work together to deliver the data you need in the most accurate and comprehensible way. Let’s take a look at each of these Google Analytics aspects separately.

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