Categories: Design,Social Media
Cheatsheet - Twitter Image Sizes as of November 2017

Awful images vs great images can be the difference between getting viewer attention, and being totally ignored.

Bringing attention to you and/or your brand is why you post on social media - so make your images work for you by making sure they're optimized using correct dimension and resolution criteria for each platform.

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Categories: Design,Marketing,Social Media
Cheatsheet - Facebook Image Sizes

Awful images vs great images can be the difference between getting viewer attention, and being totally ignored.

Bringing attention to you and/or your brand is why you post on social media - so make your images work for you by making sure they're optimized using correct dimension and resolution criteria for each platform.

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Categories: Social Media
How to Write Reviews on Facebook, Yelp and Google

How often do you leave online Reviews for companies you buy products and/or services from?

Learn here why it’s important for us to take the time to post online Reviews, and how to do them well.

Leaving Positive Reviews:

  • Are useful only when they’re relevant, trustworthy and useful.
  • Increases potential customer trust level.
  • Offers insight into a company’s customer service and products.
  • Allows businesses to reward their staff for a job well done, and the opportunity to look into areas needing improvement.

Did You Know:

  • Consumers trust Reviews only if it translates to them as authentic.
  • On average, 88% of online shoppers make a purchase decision based on Reviews.
  • On average, 84% of customers place the same level of trust in online Reviews as they do a personal recommendation.
  • Consumers say their primary motivation for leaving an online Review is to “help other people”.
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Categories: Design,Marketing
How to Submit a Sitemap

A Sitemap is a file containing a list of all your website's pages.

The Sitemap provides search engines with information about your site's pages, and can improve the ease for search engines to crawl and index. A Sitemap should be submitted each time you publish new changes to any page on your site you want indexed.

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Categories: Marketing
How to Find Your Website’s Most Popular Pages in Google Analytics

Once a month or so it’s good to check your most visited pages in Google Analytics. If you do regular Blog posts you should analyze to see which topics are most popular with your site visitors. If you sell products or services, you can track seasonal trends or find overall popularity for any given date range.

Analyzing your most visited pages helps you know what content is read often, so you can expand in that direction. Not sure how to find your website's most popular pages in Google Analytics? Let us show you how.

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Categories: Design
How SSL Affects SEO

Google has always been a strong advocate in protecting user personal information. It wasn't a surprise when they announced in 2014 they'd be handing out a small ranking boost within their overall ranking algorithm to HTTPS sites utilizing an SSL Certificate.

Beginning October 2017, Google Chrome now labels HTTP sites as Insecure, warning the connection is not secure. This may cause visitors to click away from your website for fear their personal and location data are not secure.

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How to Sign Up for Google Search Console (Google Webmaster Tools)

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google to help you monitor and optimize your site's presence in Google Search results.

The Search Console helps you:

  • Make sure that Google can access your content.
  • Submit new content for crawling and remove content you don't want shown in search results.
  • Create and monitor content that delivers visually engaging search results.
  • Maintain your site with minimal disruption to search performance.
  • Monitor and resolve malware or spam issues so your site stays clean.
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Categories: Design,Marketing
How to Sign Up for Google Analytics and Add Code

What is Google Analytics?

Launched in 2005, Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google providing website statistics and basic analytical tools for search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.

Google Analytics helps you understand your site and app user patterns to evaluate content and product performance.

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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
11 Ways to Fully Utilize Your Facebook Business Page

With Facebook frequently adding new options, you may want to evaluate your page and see if you’re utilizing Facebook to its fullest potential for your business.

Think back to when you first set up your Facebook Business page.

Did you build your Business page to evolve into a unique community?
Or did you build your Business page just because everyone said you had to have one for Social Media reach?
Do you add Valuable Content for your fan base?
Do you Start meaningful Conversations?
Do you Respond to fan Comments?

Most companies setting up a Facebook business page have the following goals in mind: Reach Targeted Audience, Build Brand Awareness, Create Brand Loyalty, Increase Traffic to Website, and Generate Leads that Convert to Sales

These goals can be realized by attending to your page with the attitude of building a Community. Adding value applicable to different segments of your audience, starting conversations, and posting a variety of content relevant to your business and brand, both on a professional and personal level - will all help to build a loyal Community.

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