Categories: Design
Tips on Using Images for a Higher Conversion Rate

Conversion rates can be measured in a number of different ways on a website. Conversion rate goals differ from site to site, as it depends on what your website specific focus is.

Your conversion rate goal may be for:

  • signups to your newsletter
  • product sales
  • member registrations
  • ebook downloads
  • service inquiries

Any activity beyond simple page browsing is considered a conversion rate.

Using complimentary images along with your text can bring a webpage to life, and appeal to the perceived personalities of your shoppers. We’ve all heard “a picture is worth a thousand words” – and it is.

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Categories: Design
Tips and Tools for Choosing Website Colors

It’s interesting how Color is a factor in successful Branding, Recognition and Customer Sales.

What do the colors on your website tell visitors about You, and your products/services? Have you ever placed a Poll on your site and asked people if they like and enjoy your website colors? Have you ever encouraged your site visitors to send you their Comments and Opinions of your website color scheme?

Probably Not. Even though you may really like the colors on your website – maybe others don’t. Maybe they don’t stick around long enough to know what your site really offers, because the colors are a big turn-off to them.

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Categories: Marketing,Mobile
Optimizing for Mobile Search

As website owners, we need to alter our mindset from being “mobile compatible” to being mobile optimized”.

The process of Mobile Optimizing is making sure visitors accessing a site from their mobile devices and mobile platforms, experience both a visual and technical positive experience.

By all accounts, with Google being the kingfish of Search - as they historically hold the largest search-share market - we have to spend more time on making sure we “get it right” according to Google-specific criteria. Once that groundwork is seeded, the other search engine results will fall in place.

In 2013 Google announced it would be adjusting search rankings appearing on Smartphones and Mobile platforms based on how well a site managed the user experience.

In 2015 Google officially confirmed more Google searches took place on Mobile devices than on desktop computers and tablets in ten countries including the USA and Japan.

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Categories: Marketing
Types of Negative SEO

Negative SEO is defined as a person or entity can easily unleash a slew of below-the-belt tactics with the intent to decrease a website’s ranking in search engine results, and/or to ruin their online reputation. Learn more about the types of negative SEO that may affect your online presence and learn how to fix any issues that affect you.

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Categories: Marketing
Local SEO Challenges

A major challenge for small businesses selling their products and/or services to localized target markets is getting their name on the first page of Google using organic methods. For those of you wanting to optimize your website for maximum exposure within Local Search results in the Google search engine, we have a few suggestions for you.

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Categories: Marketing

In the first 3 steps in this series, we’ve discussed how to create a website that people actually want to spend time on, what actions you want them to do while they are there, and how to get them there in the first place. In our final step, let’s talk about what to do with those conversions, once you have them, to actually increase your sales.

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Categories: Marketing
4 Steps To A High Converting Website (Step 3)

So far in this series, we have discussed how to build a website visitors will want to stay on and how to drive those visitors to your CTAs. But how do you get people to visit your website in the first place?

In step 3 of this 4 part series, we will go over how you can drive more visitors to your website using Search Engine Optimization.

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Categories: Marketing

Regardless of whether your company is an online business or a brick & mortar local shop, having a website that converts is a key piece of your successful business plan.

In step 1 of this 4 part series, we discussed how to build out a website users would actually enjoy visiting. In step 2, let’s discuss how to put that website to work converting visitors into leads and buyers.

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Categories: Marketing
4 Steps To A High Converting Website (Step 1)

A website that converts plays an important role in every savvy business. Your company’s website could be your best source for potential clients. Many consumers will visit a company’s website before deciding whether to buy from them, even if the company is a brick and mortar business. For those websites that belong to online businesses, having an attractive website that converts visitors into leads is even more vital.

When visiting a website, consumers are looking for one of a few key things. They want to know more about the company, learn about the products they offer, and check if they are offering any promotions that can only be found on the website.

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