Tips & Tricks

Categories: Email Marketing
Event Marketing – Making it Easy

Now is the time for small businesses to start thinking about event marketing.

Hosting an Event is an effective marketing tool to promote your business, while strengthening connections to your local community, and those looking for your products and services.

People are ready to hear and learn about your business and what you can do for them. They’re eager to know more about your products and how to use them. They want to know what services you offer, and how those services will make their lives easier.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Is Your Site Primed for Google’s Upcoming Change?

Did You Know?

Google looks at over 200 ranking factors that contribute to where a page appears in the search results for any specific keyword search.

Google is known for making frequent algorithm changes that impact search results - the newest one coming around the pike - Google has labeled as the Page Experience signal.

The Page Experience signal was scheduled to roll out in May. The drop date has been moved forward to a mid-June release with full search ranking integration by end of Summer.

This particular algorithm has the potential to impact your website search results, so it’s important for you to be aware of it, and make changes to your site now … if you haven’t done so already.

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Categories: Design,Website Hosting
Web Hosts - Why Cheaper Isn't Better

For business owners, a website is the core lifeline of an online business.

The reliability of a web host will either support or damage that lifeline.

How Much Risk Are You Willing to Take?

Web hosts that fall short can affect your site's SEO and that's something you can't afford to suffer through - not if you own a business where your reputation and sales are a prime priority.

Cheap hosts can turn into a nightmare if they fall short. Think of a web host as an apartment you're renting. The less you pay will most often translate to fewer perks such as no parking, no doorman for security, faulty appliances and heating, peeling paint, bugs in the kitchen, etc, etc. You soon realize you made a mistake, lured in by the low cost - you end up just wanting to move.


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Categories: Marketing
Pro-Active Local Small Business Marketing Tips

Did You Know?

It's predicted during the next 12 months consumers will spend more, and will plan that spending wisely.

The Technology Path is Changing 

  • The ongoing shift is how people are relating to Brands.
  • Online marketers are finding personalization and automation a must.
  • Small businesses have to distinguish themselves, become relatable, and build community trust.
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Categories: Email Marketing
7 Top Tips to Get Your Email Lists Popping

Do you want to?

  • Make more sales.
  • Boost traffic.
  • Grow your social media following. 

You have goals for your Email marketing, and chances are you're constantly striving for better results.

Here are a few Email marketing tips you can do right now to improve the performance of your campaigns.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Ecommerce Sales are Booming – Is Yours?

Customers are clearly utilizing online shopping more than ever before.

Digital transactions are the new normal.

Those businesses who escalated their efforts a year ago with customer-friendly digital purchases have managed to increase sales into 2021.

Statistical data shows:

  • New growth:
    25% of US consumers now prefer to begin their shopping trips online.
  • New consumers:
    17% increase in online-native shoppers since March 2020.
  • New opportunities:
    As customer expectations change, businesses that pay attention to what their customers want increase loyalty and retention.

The recent growth in digital commerce is a signal that businesses and retailers should continue to scale their investment efforts into digital purchasing, while refocusing and enhancing the consumer in-store experience.

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Categories: Marketing
Tips for Impactful Marketing that Inspire Action

Do you carefully choose specific words when marketing your business?

Are those words helping you reach expected goals?

Words and phrases can dictate how customers and potential customers respond. Everyday, businesses use words and phrases in communications such as emails, email campaigns, web copy, social media posts, and advertising with the goal of either a lead or a purchase.

Words with Impact

Here are a few word tips your business can use to guide how people feel, think and act when they read your written communications.

Your word goal is to draw people in – not drive them away!

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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
How to Find and Use Branded Hashtags on Instagram

Are #Hashtags a quick afterthought when you post to social media?

Do you use strategic or haphazard #Hashtags?

Did You Know?

Using #Hashtags on Instagram remains an effective element to bring attention and engagement to your posts, and plays a strategic part in growing your Brand.

Including targeted and relevant #Hashtags on stories and posts lets your business become discoverable by new audience segments which translate to:

  • More followers.
  • More engagement.
  • More customers.
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Categories: Email Marketing
3 Small Business Lessons

Many small businesses experience changes beyond their control that affect day-to-day operations. 

Optimistic business owners view change as an opportunity to realign their way of doing business.

Pessimistic business owners feel the challenge is too great, and don’t want to make the effort. 

Which Type of Business Owner Are You?

The trend for many businesses has been to transform their online marketing strategies and make smart use of digital marketing tools that allow them to meet the needs of  the current marketplace.

A few small marketing changes can enable businesses to transition from no customers - to flourishing sales.

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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
Is Clubhouse in Your Business Future?

Clubhouse is the new kid on the block – as far as social platforms go.

Are You:

  • Not sure if you should create a Clubhouse marketing strategy?
  • Not sure if your business wants to be involved with Clubhouse? 
  • Not sure whether to even download the Clubhouse app?

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is a social platform where registered users may enter into different virtual rooms to participate or listen in on a conversation or discussion panel. The room host has authority over who is allowed speaking privileges along with who gets the boot for misbehavior.

With over 10 million global downloads, this social platform launched early 2020, and has ramped up significantly since early 2021.

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