Categories: Marketing
Tips for Using Google Keyword Planner Tool

You may or may not be familiar with the Google Keyword Planner tool, formerly known as the Google Keyword Tool. There was a time the Google Keyword Tool was accessible under its own URL and free to use for everyone, however in June of 2016 – Google rolled the Google Keyword Tool under the umbrella of Google Adwords, restricting use only to those logged into an AdWords account.

If you’re already registered with Google Ads (Adwords), then you most likely are familiar with how to use the Google Keyword Planner to research keywords, search volume trends, platforms, competitors, locations, etc.

Here we’ll cover Tips for How to use the Google Keyword Planner tool for researching Keywords, and building Keyword Lists, without having to sign up for a funded Ads (Adwords) account.

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Categories: Design
How to Link/Unlink Google Analytics and Adwords

Linking Adwords to Analytics allows you to see metrics such as pages per visit, percentage of new visits, average visit duration, and bounce rate - all within the AdWords interface.

You'll discover which keywords generate visits and the length of time spent on those visits. If people are spending ten seconds on a page, and others are spending three minutes on another page - then it's a flag indicating you'll want to adjust either your keyword(s) or the landing page.

Linking Adwords to Analytics will give you insights for re-allocation of your marketing budget based on conversion and performance metrics.

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Categories: Mobile
What You Should Know about Mobile-First Indexing

Google is concentrating on Mobile-First Indexing, and change is here.

Google will calculate what it places in their index based on the mobile version of your website. In contrast, they used to index the desktop website version first.

This change has come about due to the elevated number of searches coming from mobile devices. Google has stated that to give users a better experience, they've decided to prioritize mobile results.

Bottom line - what this means is, website owners need to ensure their websites are mobile friendly. If you already have a responsive design for your site, then you shouldn’t be affected.

If you have different websites for desktop and for mobile, and your mobile site has far less content, then you will most likely be affected.

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Categories: Marketing
Tips for How to Spend Your Marketing Dollars

In theory, you have to Spend $$ to Make $$. Most often it’s easier to say than do.

The challenge of small business owners is knowing how best to invest funds in a manner that actually generates a return on their investment – rather than just spending for the sake of spending.

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Categories: Email Marketing
How to Create a Drip Marketing Campaign

What is Drip Marketing?

Drip marketing is considered a specific Email communication strategy that ‘drips’ (sends) a set of pre-written messages to customers / prospects over a period of time.

What is a Drip Marketing Campaign?

An Email Drip Campaign is a series of scheduled marketing Emails based on behavior and or actions. Emails are scheduled to be sent out automatically and become increasingly more of a promotional nature.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Will Chrome Mark Your Website as Unsecure?

Google is trying to make sure that the web sites you visit are secure. That’s why in July, their Chrome browser (version 68) will start marking sites without an SSL (security certificate) as Not Secure. To make sure the 75% of web users who use Chrome don’t see your site as Not Secure, you need to buy and install a security certificate. Just email for assistance.

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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
Tips for Making Your LinkedIn Business Page Better

A LinkedIn Business page serves several purposes:

  • Allows a Business to tell their story.
  • Allows a Business to Educate others on their Services and Products.
  • Allows a Business to Individualize themselves against their Competitors.
  • Allows for Engagement with prospects, customers and employee candidates.
  • Allows a Business to Network and build Referral relationships for Sales Leads.
  • Allows a Business to Create a Public Image on an International scale.
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Categories: Email Marketing
Email Subject Line Suggestions to Make People Open Your Email

Your email subject line will often determine whether or not anyone will actually read your message.In order to make the email stand out, keep your subject line short, specific, and personalized.

For many – the Email Subject Line isn’t a priority, and many write their Subject Line after the content is ready to go … we suggest you write your Subject Line first … then craft your message to the Subject Line. Keep it short, catchy, precise, and eliminate filler words as much as possible.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Tips for Conversion Rate Optimization

What is a Conversion Rate?

Most commonly, the conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors.

An e-commerce website logs 400 visitors per month and has 100 sales – the Conversion Rate would be 25%.
(100 divided by 400 = 25).

A conversion can refer to any specific action you want the visitor to take, and can include clicking a button, making a purchase or becoming a repeat customer.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

In internet marketing, conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers, or more generally, take any desired action on a webpage. It is commonly referred to as CRO. (Wikipedia definition)

Increasing your conversion rate increases overall profits for a business, so it’s crucial to optimize.

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