Categories: Email Marketing
6 Reasons Why You Need an Email List

People sometimes ask – Why Do I Need An Email List?

You might think:

  • I’m too busy with my business.
  • What if no one signs up?
  • What am I supposed to write about?
  • It takes a lot of time to generate newsletters.
  • I’m doing just fine without one.
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Categories: Marketing
Using Google Posts for Business Marketing

What Are Google Posts?

Google Posts is a feature where Google My Business profile owners can insert direct message posts to reach their customer audience. Google Posts are visible from the Google Search Local panel, Search results Knowledge Panel, and on Google Maps.

Posts remain visible for seven days unless manually removed. Posted Events will run until the event end date.

A business may have up to ten posts running at the same time. Continual posting optimizes visibility, so make new posts to replace those approaching their expiration date.

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Categories: Email Marketing
Tips and Ideas for Your Next Email Campaign

Depending on how often you send out newsletters to your subscriber list, you spend time each day, each week, or each month thinking about what the content is going to be for the next issue.

Vary Your Email Content

Regular outgoing newsletter Emails will usually consist of one of the following:

  • General Emails to Enhance Brand Awareness
    (community involvement, company updates, business awards, etc)
  • Educational Emails
    (who needs it, why buy it, why it’s better, etc)
  • Promotional Emails
    (specials, coupons, events, sales, etc)
  • New Product Emails
    (announce new inventory, what’s now available, etc)
  • Product Advice Emails
    (how to use, why to buy, etc)
  • Customer Testimonial Emails
    (feature photos of products used and reviewed by customers, why they bought it, why they use it, etc)
  • Survey Emails
    (ask questions to improve your business, conduct product preference research, etc)
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Categories: Email Marketing
Why You Should Use a Professional Email Address for Business

What is a Professional Email Address?

A Professional Email address is one that displays @YourBusinessName.

Back in the day, a custom domain was a sign of professionalism because they had to be purchased. A branded email address set people apart from those utilizing free places to build a website, and using generic email services. Today, email communication deploying a branded email address is the norm, and definitely expected.

While many people use free email service providers such as,,, etc - they are not considered a professional reflection of a brand.

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Categories: Marketing
Tips for Setting Up a Quiz on Social Media

Social Media content that’s proven to increase your audience is the use of Questions in the form of a Quiz.

A Quiz almost always draws in a diverse base of viewers based on the Quiz content. Besides being entertaining, Quizzes give you - the marketer - an insight into your reader base. Depending on how unique the Quiz is - it can go viral, increase followers and ultimately revenue.

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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
8 Social Media Blunders Detrimental to Your Brand

A few things businesses and Brands shouldn’t be doing on Social Media:

#1: Offering Up Sub-Par Customer Service

Social Media translates to immediate engagement. People often post questions, complaints and concerns online - rather than calling and sitting on hold waiting for a sales representative. When online inquiries and audience concerns are ignored or you take days to answer, they'll likely just move on to another Brand to do business with.

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Categories: Design,Marketing
Tips for Optimizing Your Business on Google Maps

What Is Google Maps Marketing?

Google Maps marketing is utilizing Google Map functions to allow your business to be found easily by those performing a search.

Big businesses are expected to be found immediately on Google Maps, but small businesses can leverage Google Maps to their benefit with strategic optimization for both search result positioning and visibility.

As a small to mid size business owner – your goal is to push for the highest placement possible within local business Google Map results, as well as on related search engine result pages.

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Categories: Email Marketing
7 Spicy Elements You Can Add to Your Marketing Emails

#1: Send Special Code Emails

Segment your Email list subscribers according to age group, interests, buying history, etc. Make your marketing Emails motivational to your readers by sending each segment a Hidden Discount or a Unique Promo Code that requires them to Click Through to your website to see what they’ve won.

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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
11 Ways to Boost Your Business Blog

A Blog that’s regularly updated with new content will compliment your business website and also:

  • Give insight into your business and what your expertise is.
  • Encourage people to visit every day to see what’s new.
  • Attract New Buying Customers.
  • Increase more traffic to your website.
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Categories: Marketing,Social Media
14 Tips to Increase Instagram Engagement for Brand Awareness

Engagement Defined

Engagement is more about the level of involvement with your Brand content rather than about the size of your cumulative audience.

Engagement rates on any social media channel is basically the measure of how loyal your followers are to you and your business.

Engagement Parameters

Key elements for tracking Engagement are:

  • Followers
  • Comments
  • Share and Reposts

How Important is Engagement?

Instagram uses Engagement as a metric to calculate where your content appears in a followers feed. The Engagement metric reflects follower activity and interaction. Instagram translates Engagement as a sign that followers want to see more of your content, resulting in a higher placement level in their feeds.

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